MPCA Trainers and Certification as Trainers
MPCA Trainers and Certification as Trainers
Trainer: A person who is a member of the Missouri Police Canine Association and is qualified in teaching and administering training in one or more of the following fields:
A. Drug Detection – which includes building, area, and vehicle.
B. Tracking – which includes urban and rural tracking.
C. Explosive Detection – which includes building, area, and vehicle.
D. Controlled Aggression – which includes area searches, building searches, and handler protection.
The Trainer will also be qualified and responsible for certifying prospective K-9 Teams in his or her field. The Trainer will check to see if the member testing is a paid member of MPCA prior to any testing of the team. Upon successful completion of the testing (certification), the Trainer will submit a copy of the certification test sheet to the MPCA secretary via email, and the MPCA Trainer will issue a certification to the prospective K-9 Team a certificate which will be valid for a period of one (1) year.
The MPCA Trainer will be expected to submit (5) certifications per year or attend the annual MPCA Fall Workshop and work in a discipline determined by the President of MPCA. The executive board will determine if a Trainer doesn’t meet the (5) certifications and was not able to attend the workshop if their reason is excusable or not. Each incident will be reviewed by the MPCA Executive Board.
The first offense of the MPCA Trainers’ failure to meet the requirements of necessary certifications or attendance at the annual workshop will result in a six (6) month suspension of trainer status and ability to conduct certifications. The second offense will result in the revocation of trainer status for the MPCA.
There will be one workshop per year as directed by the Executive Board. Trainers attending the workshop will receive per diem for each day during which they provide MPCA K9 training at their assigned training venue, or approved (by the President of MPCA) MPCA business. Trainers will also receive mileage reimbursement of $.50 while attending the MPCA conference. This reimbursement is for MPCA business only, not personal travel. Lodging accommodations will be provided for each MPCA Trainer and Executive Board Member attending the workshop unless such is provided by their department.
Apprentice Trainer:
A person who is a member of the Missouri Police Canine Association and is currently in the process of certifying to be a Trainer in Drug Detection, Tracking, Explosive Detection, or Controlled Aggression.
Qualifications for becoming a Trainer:
To become eligible for Trainer, the Apprentice Trainer must first be a member of the Missouri Police Canine Association for a minimum period of two (2) years. The Apprentice Trainer must next pass the following testing and certification process for each field:
1. Train at least one green dog to pass certification with either MPCA or NAPWDA.
Spend 60 hours training in both disciplines for a total of 120hrs with an MPCA trainer, training
green dogs.
Attend and pass an approved trainers course. (approval has to be from the Executive Board)
Spend 80 hours with at least three different MPCA Trainers
Each of the three (3) Trainers shall submit a (written evaluation) critique sheet and recommendation of the Apprentice Trainer, including the total hours spent working with the Apprentice Trainer, to the President of the Missouri Police Canine Association or his/her designee. It shall be the responsibility of the Apprentice Trainer to supply the critique sheet to the Trainer.
2. Upon successful completion of the evaluation and/or field training phase, a Written Test will be administered to the Apprentice Trainer by the President of the Missouri Police Canine Association or his/her designee. The Apprentice Trainer must satisfactorily pass the written test.
3. Upon successful completion of the written test, the Apprentice Trainer will be administered an Oral Test by three (3) Certified MPCA Trainers, but not one of the evaluating Trainers, if possible. A written recommendation of approval or disapproval shall be submitted by the Trainers involved in the Oral Test to the President of the Missouri Police Canine Association or his/her Designee.
The Written and Oral Tests will be administered only at the MPCA Annual Workshop. The Apprentice Trainee will notify the President of MPCA two months prior to the workshop they will test for MPCA Trainer. Upon successful completion of all phases, the President of the Missouri Police Canine Association or his/her designee will chair a board consisting of all MPCA Trainers attending the particular MPCA Annual Workshop no later than the fourth (4th) day of the workshop. The letters of evaluation/recommendations regarding the Apprentice Trainer’s field training, oral test, and written test will be reviewed and discussed if needed. Upon a majority “yes” vote of the votes cast, the Apprentice Trainer will be certified as Trainer for the Missouri Police Canine Association.
The letters of evaluation/recommendations regarding the Apprentice Trainer’s field training, oral and written tests, and minutes from the board meeting will be kept in a file by the Secretary of the Missouri Police Canine Association.
The certification/testing of trainers does not apply to current MPCA Trainers (prior to January 1, 2006). However, for those current Trainers who train in one or two particular fields and decide he/she would like to become a Trainer in another field, the Trainer would be required to complete the testing and certification in the particular field as listed above as an Apprentice Trainer. An example would be a current MPCA Drug Detection Trainer who would like to become an MPCA Trainer for Controlled Aggression.